Office - Office


When I was leaving for Begusarai, I had a few things to do. Two important tasks were to get the Service Tax Number for my group and to get the verification process done for my education loan. Also, my sister’s wedding was scheduled on 9th of Dec, so it was obviously not going to be another lazy stay at home. I reached there on 3rd and noticed that both of my “important” tasks need to be postponed as a lot of preparation was due for the marriage. Besides, I was “the brother” and was required personally for a number of rituals. So, I prepared for “Tilak” scheduled on 7th, attended it (got some beautiful gifts there!!!) and then worked on my toes for the marriage till 10th morning. I don’t know after how many years I had a complete night out, but it was completely different than all others. I slept on 10th noon only to wake up on 11th morning and prepare for “Bahu –Bhat (Reception)” scheduled on that day. Once again visited my sister’s “sasural” and danced a lot (But this time, no gift was there). And I thought it was over there. But no! Brother should again go to the “sasural” to bring sister and new brother-in-law home for few days and then they will go back, etc., etc. Somehow I confirmed on 15th that everything is over and I can start on my “important” tasks.

Episode - I(a)

I went to the service tax office at around 2 PM on 15th and met the superintendent of Central Excise and Service Tax Department. 55 year old superintendent (Mr. A) was busy in some talk with his friend. He gave me a look but continued with his talk. After 5 minute of patience, I jumped in between.

Me: सर, actually सर्विस टैक्स नंबर के बारे में आपसे बात करना था.

A: हम्म. बोलो.

Me: सर, पूछना था कि सर्विस टैक्स नंबर के लिए क्या करना पड़ता है.

A: क्या करते हो?

Me: सॉफ्टवेर सर्विस provide करते हैं.

A: क्या इंजिनियर हो तुम?

Me: हाँ.

A: ठीक है, बैठो (He showed me a chair and I took my seat). फॉर्म भरना पड़ता है.

(I nodded, “yes”. He pulled out a form from a pile of files on his desk and handed it over to me.)

A: चार कॉपी चाहिए. एक ही फॉर्म है मेरे पास. इसलिए इसका चार photocopy करवा लो और फॉर्म वापस कर दो हमको.

I looked at him with surprise as he continued his talk with his friend. I again interrupted:

Me: सर, Documents क्या चाहिए होगा?

A: PAN Card है? (I nodded, “yes”.) उसका एक फोटो कॉपी लगा देना और एक एड्रेस प्रूफ भी.

Me: सर एड्रेस प्रूफ में क्या accept होगा?

A: Driving Licence या Passport.

Me: आं...ये सब तो नहीं है मेरे पास. राशन-कार्ड चलेगा?

A: नहीं. नहीं चलता है.

Me: सर, वार्ड कमिश्नर से लिखवा के दें तो?

A: नहीं चलेगा वो भी. SDO से लिखवाना होगा.

Me: सर, Block में बनवा के दे सकते हैं…

A: नहीं. SDO का ही चलेगा.

Me: ओके सर. ठीक है, फॉर्म का Xerox करवा के दे देते हैं.

He nodded in yes. I came out, went to a photo-copy shop, Xeroxed the form and returned to the service tax office.

A: केवल एक ही कॉपी करवाए हो? चार चाहिए होता है.

Me: सर, बाकी का कॉपी इसी से निकलवा लेंगे.

A: अच्छा.

Me: ठीक है सर, हम आते हैं सारे document के साथ.

A: हम्म.

I left for my home. When I was discussing the issue with my father, he reminded me of my learning driving license that I have and asked me to get a permanent one from it (So it became “important” task number 3). He also said that SDO office will take around 10-15 days to issue residence certificate and for it, they need certificate from Block (“important” task number 1a).

Episode - I(b)

Then we went to the bank for loan verification (“important” task number 2). The manager (Mr. B) was extremely busy in other tasks. After a wait of half an hour he saw us. I proceeded:

Me: सर मैंने एक education loan apply किया था बॉम्बे से. उसके verification के लिए यहाँ पे documents आना था. वही पता करना है कि आया या नहीं.

B: कुछ तो आया था बॉम्बे से. देखना पड़ेगा.

(I was surprised by his attitude towards the documents. If he has got it, he should have immediately completed the process and should have informed the Bombay branch. He searched his drawer for about 5 minutes but got nothing.)

B (To somebody outside the cabin, Mr. C): बॉम्बे से कुछ आया था न? इनका ही है - लगता है. देखिएगा कहीं आपके पास तो नहीं चला गया.

C: हाँ हाँ. मेरे पास ही है.

B (To me): हाँ, देखिये मिल गया. कहे न, कुछ भी खोएगा नहीं. चले जाईये, वही देखेंगे.

C: आईये. आपका ही था? क्या है उसमे?

Me: सर, Loan apply किये थे बॉम्बे से. तो उसी के verification के लिए आया होगा.

C: अच्छा हाँ हाँ. देखे थे. आप तो उस पर फ़ोन नंबर दिए ही नहीं हैं, नहीं तो हम ही कॉल कर देते.

Me: नहीं सर, फ़ोन नंबर तो दिया हुआ है.

C: हम्म. मेरा ध्यान नहीं गया होगा.

I couldn’t say anything. He pulled an envelope and gave me a paper.

C: अपना एड्रेस लिख दीजिये एक बार फिर से. और फ़ोन नंबर भी लिख दीजियेगा.

I wrote the address and phone number and gave it to him.

C: ठीक है, जाईये. हो जायेगा.

Me: सर कब आईयेगा verification के लिए?

C: वो आप हम पर छोड़ दीजिये.

Me: सर, टाइम बहुत कम है. अगर जल्दी हो जाये तो अच्छा होगा. हमको जल्दी ही फीस भरना है.

C: हम्म. ठीक है हम देखते हैं. दो-तीन दिन में हो जायेगा.

I left. Verification is not done till now.

Episode - II(a)

Next morning (On 16th), I woke up and thought to complete the address proof process (Task number 1a). For it, I had to write an application. My father showed me a format and briefed me about the process I had to go through. The application was in difficult Hindi and I was certainly not able to convert it into English. So, I just copied the application, changing the name etc. and went to the Ward Commissioner. Block office needs the application verified from Ward Commissioner and a “karmchaari” (I don’t know his department as there was no board outside his office). I know the Ward Commissioner personally. So, she only discussed about what I am doing and how I am etc. She signed it immediately and I left for the “karmchaari - office”. He sits in a room on the first floor, opposite to the State Bank That is what my father told me about him. I reached there. Opposite to the State Bank of India, there is marketing complex of two floors – Ground and First. All the rooms on the first floor except one were being used for shops. So I entered the exceptional room. Three persons were sitting inside – Two on a bench and one on a chair. I assumed that the man on chair must be the boss so I went to him. He was busy with some documents and didn’t notice me. I waited for him to look above. Somebody (Mr. D) from the bench yelled:

D: क्या है?

Me: सर, आवासीय प्रमाण पत्र के लिए कर्मचारी जी से verification करवाना है.

D: यहाँ आ जाओ.

I went to him. He read the application, verified the details and put a stamp on the application and then went to the “karmchaari (The boss)” and asked him for his signature. He did it without looking into anything. I took the application and left to the Block-Office for further process. My father also joined me on the way to Block-Office as I have never been to that place. On the way he asked:

Papa: कितना देना पड़ा कर्मचारी को verification का?

Me: कुछ नहीं. वो तो ऐसे ही कर दिया.

Papa: कुछ नहीं माँगा?

Me: नहीं तो.

Papa: वही था न जो गोरे जैसा है, मूँछ रखता है, मोटा है थोडा…

Me: हाँ, वही था.

Papa: हम्म. मार खाया होगा. इसलिए सुधर गया है. नहीं तो पैसा के बिना वो कहाँ से कुछ करेगा.

I spreaded my eyes. So, this is how the process works here.

Episode - II(b)

Block-Office has a huge campus. It took us 15 minutes to reach the right room. Two guys were sitting there. One was accepting the application and second was giving the certificates. First one (Mr. E) was the one to notice me:

E: क्या है आपका?

Me: ऐगो आवासीय बनवाना है.

E: Application लाये हैं?

Me: हाँ. है न. (I gave him the application.)

E: ई क्या है? इसमें तो Mr F का sign ही नहीं है?

Me: ऊ कौन हैं?

E: उधर बैठते हैं. (He showed me a wall from his finger. I didn’t understand anything and kept looking him.) अरे, उधर नहीं है ऐगो रूम जिसमे चार लोग बैठते हैं.

Me: अंचल अधिकारी वाला?

E: ने ने. आप कहाँ पहुँच गए? उसके इधरे है. जाईये न. ऐगो लेडीज बैठल हैं. आप अपने से समझ जाईयेगा.

I left in search of that room, asked for Mr. F from a number of guys wandering there and finally got him. He didn’t ask anything. He didn’t check anything. He didn’t even notice me. I was showing him the application. He pulled it out of my hand, signed it and returned it to me. My Father was surprised – I didn’t have to pay anything. I went to Mr. E again.

E: हो गया sign?

Me: हाँ. देख लीजिये. (I gave him my application.)

E: ई क्या नाम रख लिए हैं आप अपना?

Me: “स्वप्निल कुमार”. (Mr. E laughed. Other guy also joined him. I sighed.)

E: डिटेल सही से लिखे हैं न?

Me: हाँ. आप चेक कर सकते हैं.

E: मेरे पास कौनो आपका bio-data है. अपने से देख लीजिये. बाद में नहीं तो फिर दौरले आईयेगा कि गलते बना दिए हैं.

(I gave a look to my application and confirmed everything is right.)

Me: सही है सब कुछ.

E: ठीक है, लाईये पाँच रुपया.

(He was also giving me a receipt of it. So I immediately gave him 5 rupees coin.)

E: बन जायेगा. एक सप्ताह बाद आके ले जाईयेगा.

Me: इसमें एक सप्ताह थोरो न लगता है.

E: कहाँ से आये हैं? लगबे करता है. उससे पहले नहीं होगा.

Me: देखिये, हमको बहुत emergency काम है. और बाद में बाहरो जाना है. उतना समय नहीं है मेरे पास. कल तक बनवा न दीजिये.

E: ने न होगा.

Me: हो जायेगा. आप अपने से देखिएगा तो होइए जायेगा.

E: उसमे खर्चा लगेगा.

(He smiled. I annoyed. My father felt relieved: Now I have to pay something. Now everything will surely be done on time.)

Me: कितना लगेगा?

E: साठ रुपैया.

Me: ई तो बहुत्ते है. उतना कहाँ से देंगे. थोरा कम कर दीजिये.

E: मोल-मोलाई थोरे न होता है.

Me: चालीस गो लीजिये न.

E: Finally बोल देते हैं. पचास गो लगेगा. दीजियेगा तो ठीक है नहीं तो आईये एक सप्ताह के बाद.

I pulled a 50 rupees note from my wallet and handed it over to him. He took my receipt again and made a mark on the back.

E: यही दिखाईएगा कल. हम समझ जायेंगे.

Me: ठीक है.

I left for my home. On the way, my father praised me for the deal.

“अच्छा बात किया तुम. हम तो बोल ही नहीं पाते. वैसे कम्मे लिया. ज्यादा भी मांगता तो क्या करते?”

I kept mum.

Episode - III(a)

Next day (On 17th), I again went to the Block-Office – This time alone. (My father went to get the receipt for the test conducted for driving license, in which I had to appear next day.) I directly went to Mr. E and showed him the mark on the back of the receipt.

E: हाँ. ऊ तो हम देखिये के पहचान गए थे, लेकिन बनवे ने न किया है?

Me: आप तो कहे थे कि हो जायेगा?

E: शाम तक आते तो होइयो सकता था. आप तो भोरे भोर चले आये हैं.

(I checked my mobile. It was 1:10 PM.)

Me: भोरे भोर कहाँ है? एक बज रहा है.

E: आपका न एक बज रहा है. BDO साहेब का थोरे न बजा है. ऊ आयेंगे तभिये न sign होगा. हम क्या कर सकते हैं? हम तो बना के रख दिए हैं – ई देखिये.

(He showed me a paper. Certificate was done. Only BDO’s signature was required.)

Me: कब तक आयेंगे BDO साहेब?

E: आ तो गैबे किये हैं. लेकिन अभी आये हैं औरो ऐगो मीटिंग में चले गए हैं. कल आईये न आप.

Me: अरे उतना समय ने न है. हम आजे wait करते हैं यहीं पर. आप बनवा के दैय्ये दीजिये.

E: दू-तीन घंटा लग जायेगा.

Me: कोई बात नहीं. हम बैठल है यहीं पर.

He didn’t say anything after that. I went to BDO office, just to check whether he is in or not. I couldn’t see him. Door was locked from inside. Perhaps some meeting was going on.

Episode - III(b)

I kept wandering inside the huge campus of Block-Office. At around 1:45 PM I heard some noise and proceeded in the direction of a crowd of about 200 children and 10 adults. Almost all the children were having a plate or bowl in their hand – full with rice and chana dal. They were shouting.

An old man (Mr. G): केन्ने छतिन BDO बाबु? आय हुनका देखावे छिये. हम्मर बच्चा के बासी खाना खिलाये रहलखिन हन.

Somebody asked, “ कौनो स्कूल से आ रहे हैं क्या?”

Somebody answered, “हौं. हिंये के छतिन – रजौरा से. दू दिन से स्कूल पे एहने खाना दे रहल्के हन.”

Somebody again asked, “खाना ने है बढ़िया क्या?”

Somebody again answered, “मेहेक रहले हन. छतिन केन्ने BDO बाबु?”

BDO didn’t come out for 15 minutes. Mr. G didn’t let the momentum go down; kept shouting after every minute.

“आय हुनका देखाइए दे छिये…खिलेबे आय हुनका ईहे खाना…खैथिन तब न बुझ्थिन…अत्याचार होय रहले हन…देख लहो, ईहे छे सुशाशन…कि से कि बनाये देल्के हन स्कूल का…हममे बैठे वाला ने छिये…etc., etc.”

Children kept helping him in the middle.

“ने खेतिन न ता मुँहे में ठूस दिहो…हममे ईहे खाना खाए वाला छिये…आय पिटेथीन बाबु साहेब… etc., etc.”

I looked at children. They were having some kind of fun in it. At school, anything other than study gives us immense satisfaction. They were enjoying their day and dialogues. Some of them started “Kabaddi” and “chhua-chhoi” in the field. They must not be having such a ground in their school.

I also talked to a boy.

Me: खाना सच्चे में खराब छौ कि रे?

Boy: देख न लहो.

I took his plate and brought it close to my nose. Smell was not there. I took and a pinch of boiled rice and kept it on my tongue. Taste was OK. Though quality of rice was not that good but I could have eaten it. Vegetables were missing, so it could have been a point of discussion. I don’t like Rice with Dal only – Vegetable is a must for me.

Anyway, after 15 minutes, BDO came out.

BDO: क्या है? काहे चिल्ला रहे हो? ई बच्चा सब कहाँ से आ गया?

G: हमारा है बच्चा सब.

BDO: इतना बच्चा सब आप ही का है?

G: हम स्कूल से आये हैं.

BDO: हेड मास्टर हो क्या?

G: नहीं. हम “सरपंच” हैं रजौरा के.

BDO: काहे लाये हो बच्चा को? ई सब का जिंदगी बर्बाद करोगे? ज्यादा नेता बन रहे हो?

G: स्कूल में घटिया खाना मिल रहा है. दो दिन का बासी है. यही खाना खायेगा हमारा बच्चा?

BDO: हे रे, जायदा नेता बनेगा तुम मेरे सामने? खाना से शिकायत है तो लिखित में दो. कौनो मेरे आर्डर से बन रहा है? लिखित में दो – हम भेज देंगे DM को. वही देखेंगे.

G: लेकिन आप का भी तो आर्डर रहबे करता है.

BDO: पहले तो तुम ई बताओ कि बच्चा ले के काहे आया यहाँ पर. हाथ में कटोरा दे के सबको क्या बना रहा है? नेता बनता है तुम? पता है हमको, सरपंच का गर्दन कितना कमजोर होता है. मचोरिये देंगे. भागो यहाँ से. और जो कहना है लिखित में दे देना. भागो. और कभी आया है बच्चा लोग को लेके यहाँ पे तो अंदरे करवा देंगे छः महिना के लिए. जाओ यहाँ से.

BDO again went inside his office. Crowd dissembled. All adults left for their home. Most children went to the school. Some bunked and kept playing there itself.

Episode - III(c)

I returned to Mr. E, seated there for 1 more hour. An angry middle aged woman came in between.

Woman: कौन हे रे तुम लोग?

E: हम certificate देते हैं.

Woman: ता यहाँ काहे बैठता है?

E: हमरा ईहे जगहे है.

Woman: ई ता हमरा ऑफिस है.

E: आपका तो अन्दर है. बाहर में हमी लोग का है.

Woman: हम DM से बात किये हैं. तुमलोग यहाँ से भाग जाओ.

E: कौनो हमरा personal काम है जो भाग जायेंगे. हम ने जानते हैं DM को. BDO कहेगा तभिये जायेंगे. आ पहले जगह दिलायियेगा तब न भगयियेगा.

Woman: बहुत हीरो बनता है तुमलोग. सबको भगवा देंगे.

She murmured and went inside. I looked at Mr. E.

E: घबराइए नहीं. बैठे रहिये. CDPO है ई. ऐसहियें बकते रहती है.

I kept seated.

Episode - III(d)

After sometime, Mr. E took my application and went to BDO office. He returned empty handed.

E: दे आये हैं. दस मिनट बाद जा के ले आईयेगा. मुहर लगा देंगे.

I went to BDO office after 10 minutes. Peon didn’t allow me to enter. I convinced him that I am Swapnil and I need my certificate. He was holding it in his hand, tried to read my name but couldn’t do it.

Peon: कैसा नाम है? पापा का क्या नाम है?

Me: M. K. Sinha

He verified it.

Peon: और मेरा खर्चा?

Me: ऊ तो उन्ही को दे दिए हैं जो बनाते हैं certificate. आपके नाम पर भी वो बीस रुपया मांगे थे. हम टोटल सौ रुपया दिए हैं. ले लीजियेगा.

He was satisfied. I took the certificate and again went to Mr. E. He placed a stamp and gave it to me.

E: हो गया न एक्के दिन में. औरो कौनो काम हो तो यहीं आ जाईयेगा.

Me: हाँ. ऐबे करेंगे.

I left with the certificate; don’t know whether he had a fight with peon over bribe-amount or not.

Next Day (On 18th) two tasks were scheduled. I had to appear in driving test and I also decided to go to Service Tax Department and to try to convince superintendent with the certificate signed by BDO.

Episode - IV(a)

I woke up very early, got ready and took the receipt from my father. Test timing was 8 to 10 in the morning. I called up my friend whose bike I was going to use for the test. He came up an accompanied me to the Police-Line, where test is taken. We reached there at 8:30. I directly went to a man (Mr. H) having a bundle of files.

Me: सर, टेस्ट देना था.

H: ता अभी काहे आये हैं. औरो दो घंटा बाद आते. कहाँ थे अभी तक?

Me: सर आ ही रहे थे.

H: टेस्ट ख़तम हो गया.

Me: लेकिन सर टाइम तो आठ से दस लिखा हुआ है.

H: ऊ तो पुराना फॉर्मेट है. अब टेस्ट छोए में स्टार्ट हो जाता है.

Me: सर, ई तो पता ही नहीं था.

H: ता पता होना चाहिए था न. अब पता चल गया है न. आ जाईयेगा अगले बार टाइम पर.

Me: उतना ता समय ही नहीं है. हम बाहर रहते हैं. जाना भी है हमको.

H: ता हम क्या करें? ऊ देखिये बड़ा बाबु हैं. उन्ही से बात कीजिये.

He showed me another man – more old – “bada babu” – Mr. J. I went to him.

Me: सर, टेस्ट देना था.

J: आप क्या समझते हैं अपने आप को? कहीं के collector हैं क्या? जब मन होगा चले आईयेगा? जाईये. अगले बार आईयेगा. ख़तम हो गया है टेस्ट.

Me: सर, हम बाहर रहते हैं.

J: तब आईयेगा फिर कभी. (After a while) आ फाइल कहाँ है आपका?

Me: ऊ ता उन्ही के पास होगा.

I looked at Mr. H.

J: फाइलो ने निकला है. तब ता कोई कुछ ने कर सकता है. Mayor साहिब के पास जा चूका है register. अब हम कुछ ने कर सकते हैं.

He went towards Mayor’s office. I again came to Mr. H.

Me: सर फाइल निकाल दीजिये न.

H: अरे हम ऐसहिये निकाल दे क्या? कहेंगे बड़ा बाबु तभिये न. उन्ही को पकडिये. वही कुछ करेंगे.

I went behind Mr. J. But Mayor’s office was a restricted area. Mayor saw me and asked Mr. J what the issue was. Mr. J came angrily over me.

J: कहाँ बढे चले आ रहे हैं. जाईये अब सुनिए जाकर. बुला रहे हैं Mayor साहिब.

After few seconds I was before Mayor. Mr. J was standing beside me.

Mayor: क्या हुआ तुमको?

Me: सर, मैं IIT बॉम्बे का student हूँ. मुझे आज DL के टेस्ट के लिए आना था. Receipt में आठ से दस का टाइम लिखा था, इसलिए देर हो गया. दो दिन के बाद मुझे वापस मुंबई जाना है इसलिए मैं फिर नहीं आ सकूंगा.

I think Mayor was impressed with the institute’s name.

Mayor (to Mr. J): इनका काम जितना जल्दी हो सके कर दीजिये.

Mr. J became angrier. He came outside holding my hand, almost pulling me throughout the way. Mr. H and other were standing there. He asked:

J: कहाँ है इनका फाइल? पता नहीं अपने को DM समझते हैं कहीं का? कहीं भी घुस जाते हैं. ऊ तो Mayor साहिब हैं कि बात सुन लिए. कोई और होता तो लात मारता.

I stared at Mr. J. I didn’t understand why he was so angry. Mayor was extremely polite with both of us.

Somebody advised me, “चुप ही रहिये. काम निकलवाना है तो सुनना ही पड़ता है.”

After a while, Mr. J asked me to sign over a register. I obeyed.

J: जाईये. हो गया. दोपहर को ऑफिस में आईयेगा. बाकी का काम वहीँ होता है.

Me: और टेस्ट?

J: जब Mayor साहिब कहिये दिए, ता अब कौन ची का टेस्ट?

My friend started the bike. I sat behind him. Suddenly, Mr. H came out of the crowd to me.

H: देखिये, दो-एक बात अभी ही clear हो जाये तो अच्छा है. पाँच सौ रुपया लगेगा.

I looked at his face. He continued.

H: ऑफिस का सब काम हमरे हाथ में ही है. Mayor साहिब कुछो कहें, वहां हमी लोग से काम होगा. बहुत आसानी से हम करवा देंगे सब कुछ – एकदम अपना आदमी समझकर. नहीं ता दो महिना तक चक्कर काटते रह जाईयेगा.

I was staring into his eyes.

Somebody again advised, “ चुप ही रहिये. काम निकलवाना है तो ई सब करना ही पड़ता है.”

My friend changed the gear and accelerated the bike.

At around 1 PM, I went to the office and found Mr. H; gave him a 500 rupees note. He gave me a slip and assured me that everything will be done within a week and without my presence.

Episode - IV(b)

In the evening, I went to Service Tax Department. The same old superintendent (Mr. A) was sitting there. This time, his friend was not there, so he was enjoying the newspaper with a cup of tea.

Me: सर आपसे बात हुई थी दो दिन पहले. सर्विस टैक्स के लिए. फॉर्म भर के लाये हैं. देख लीजिये.

He took all the four copies of forms and gave it a sincere look. I continued.

Me: आँ, SDO से certificate बनवाने का तो टाइम नहीं था. इसलिए Block से लिखवा के लाये हैं. देख लीजिये.

He changed the page and looked at the certificate.

A: ह्म्म्म. देखो तुम अच्छे लड़के हो. इसलिए हम तुम्हारा काम बना देंगे. चिंता मत करो.

Again he verified all the pages, made some corrections. I felt good for the first time in last 3 days just because of his sincere approach.

A: हो जायेगा. बस दो दिन लगेगा.

Me: OK sir. Thank You.

I was about to leave but he forbade.

A: एक मिनट. हमको क्या देते हो?

I was about to ask, “इस age में आप ले कर करोगे क्या?” but controlled myself.

Me: सर, क्या देना होगा?

A: और लोग इसी काम के लिए तीन हज़ार देते हैं.

Me: क्या?

A: सोच लो.

Me: हम उतना कहाँ से लायेंगे. ज्यादा से ज्यादा हम तीन सौ दे सकते हैं.

A: मज़ाक चल रहा है क्या? पचीस सौ से एक पैसा कम नहीं लेंगे. देख लेना तुम. कल क्या है? Saturday? हाँ तो Saturday को बंद रहता है ऑफिस. Monday को आना तो लेते आना. नहीं तो आगे भी बहुत काम है. तुम अच्छे लड़के हो, समझ सकते हो.

I didn’t say anything, just returned to my home and slept a lot.


Next day (On 19th) I again went to the bank and reminded Mr. C of the loan verification. He again promised to do it on coming Wednesday. On Monday, I paid a thousand rupees to Mr. A to get the service tax number. I am yet to get the certificate. On Tuesday I took my train to Mumbai. None of my tasks were done completely even after bribing at every stage.


  1. i'v spent my prime in begusarai...between 1989 to 2000 i was in begusarai. i can correlate to you on's a daily affair for all the common begusaraites.

  2. Stumbled on this page because of the poems (some of which were my favorites too), and this piece reminded me anew about our collective corruption as a people. It was a shameful reminder, but a good read. Also, great poems!

    Hope you got your documents finally.
